Race Ready

In addition to funding the launch of this brand new runner’s safety app, we have also provided extra support to produce high-quality video content promoting the app. The Race Ready app will raise awareness of medical issues that can affect runners during both training and racing, and provides recommendations to keep runners safe based on the latest research.

Film published February 2024

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In a bid to get more information directly into the hands of runners, in partnership with the World Academy for Endurance Medicine, we have helped found a new non-profit – Race Ready Run CIC – which has developed a free to use app.

The Race Ready app will raise awareness of medical issues that can affect runners both during training and racing, and provide recommendations to keep runners safe based on the latest research, featuring gamified content covering medical, performance and nutrition topics.

The Matthew Good Foundation has provided extra support for the project through the Amplify Charity Films programme, to help produce high-quality video content promoting the app.