Our mission is to amplify the voices of small charitable organisations, whose high impact work is often unseen and underfunded.

Our experience of working closely with small charitable organisations has highlighted that despite making a significant impact on the world around them, there is a funding gap that can be difficult for them to bridge as they take their next steps to growth.

charities in the UK


of UK charities have an income of less than £100,000


of the sector's income goes to Large charities (with over £1m income)

How we support the non-profit sector

Unrestricted Funding

Unrestricted funding, or funding that can be used for the core costs of running the organisation can be the hardest type of funding to find. Core costs are usually those keeping the charity running in the first place, so at the Matthew Good Foundation, we believe in doing excellent due diligence, and then trusting those who run the charity day-to-day to do what they do best and spend funds where they can make the most impact.

Simple processes

Not only do our range of support packages target unrestricted funding at small organisations, but we also make sure that we are helpful to work with, keeping things as simple, easy and supportive as possible for funding applicants who are often working alongside their day-job, in a voluntary role, or new to funding applications.

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Apply to us for grants funded by our business partners

We design and manage funding programmes that invite small charities, voluntary organisations, local groups and Community Interest Companies (CICs) to apply to us for funding packages which are provided by our partner businesses.

Our programmes are our unique way of connecting organisations that are doing amazing work in our communities, with businesses that want to make a meaningful social impact.

Charitable organisations can expect to work with a Foundation that understands their needs and helps them find unrestricted funding through a simple process, whilst businesses can expect to invest meaningfully in organisations that do so much more then tick a CSR box, providing them and their employees with a great sense of pride.

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Exclusive longer term support packages

The Matthew Good Foundation provides funding to selected small charitable organisations that need longer-term unrestricted support with the core costs vital to running their organisation, but funds for which are harder to find in the funding sector. Funds are aimed at organisations that meet the Foundation’s target Sustainable Development Goals, and charities are selected and agreed privately by the Matthew Good Foundation team.

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Helping you reach out to your audiences

Often, charitable organisations are not just dealing with a funding gap, but also with an expertise gap when it comes to communicating their cause to a wide audience. As a foundation that has very close connections to the business world, this is something we have often found we are able to help fund and coordinate, and so our charity film offering has grown naturally as we worked with more organisations who we could see would benefit from this type of help.

Employee Volunteering

Practical help from our business network

Socially aware businesses often offer their employees paid time off to volunteer, providing charities with valuable labour resource, and helping employees gain the experience and personal benefits of helping local causes meaningful to them.

We provide volunteering programmes to help charities access volunteers who are employees of our partner businesses. Corporate volunteering days can be a great way for charities to find a new demographic of volunteers, get help with large tasks, or even find a skilled volunteer for a specific type of work.

We currently have employees looking for single day opportunities in teams of 2-6 people in Hull, East Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire, South Wales and London/South East. If you are looking for single day volunteers – email us on info@matthewgoodfoundation.org to let us know about your opportunity and we will try our best to find you a match.