Medical Care Guide nearly completed!

Screen Shot 2015-05-20 at 16.03.40For over a year now we have been working closely with Loughborough University and the International Institute for Race Medicine (IIRM) to produce a single complete guide to medical care at road races, park runs and marathons. The purpose of which is to allow races of all sizes to benefit from the best and latest medical care available and share knowledge internationally.

The guide has had many contributors from around the globe and is nearing the final stage of approval. Our hope is that it is adopted here in the UK and we can begin to see small and medium sized races operate equally as safely as the larger famous races like London, Berlin, Tokyo, Chicago, New York and Boston.

If you are reading this news bulletin, work within the medical industry and would like to review or contribute to the content of this guide then please get in touch with us, or directly with Dr Stephen Mears at Loughborough University.