In recent days the foundation has made its first significant steps and has been kindly approached by the Korey Stringer Institute with an offering of assistance. The KSI is a not-for-profit organization housed at the Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut dedicated to the prevention of sudden death in sports, with a focus on exertional heat stroke (EHS).
This alliance is of great importance since the leading Professor on the effects of heat stroke in the US is closely tied to the KSI. We’re currently in talks with them to determine what links can be made with the cause of Matt’s death and their research. From there we hope to find the missing link as to why so little is know about heat stroke in athletes and why people continue to die each year.
Additionally, Tim Good has been in touch with a leading heart specialist in Bristol who has dealt with patients suffering similar symptoms to those of Matt on the day of the race. He hopes to put the Foundation in touch with a special research department at the University of Bath dependent on the findings from the KSI.
We’ll keep you up to date with progress.