Yorkshire Rewilding Network

The Yorkshire Rewilding Network aims to bring together anyone in the region who has an interest in rewilding — to inspire one-another, share knowledge and experience, and work towards a brighter, more sustainable future for all inhabitants… be they creatures great or small.

April 2021

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The Yorkshire Rewilding Network is a registered charity that was launched in August 2020. It is currently run entirely by volunteers. Its aim is to bring together anyone in the region who has an interest in rewilding.

What is rewilding?

For the Yorkshire Rewilding Network, rewilding is bringing nature back home. They want to kickstart processes that allow nature to reinstate itself, to flourish and change, to fill the gaps and diversify, to generate abundance.

Nature needs our help.  Humans have been shaping the landscape for thousands of years.  We have used tools, machines, animals and chemicals to clear, tidy, and control the land – leaving less and less space for wildlife.  Rewilding puts nature back in charge.

Where there has been a lot of damage it may be that some action is needed to get things started but, after that, human management should be a light touch, not a heavy hand.

In contrast to traditional conservation management methods, rewilding does not have any goals or targets from the outset – it simply lets natural processes unfold.

The team of volunteers at the Yorkshire Rewilding Network believe in a nature-first approach to land care and management — from urban gardens to 1,000-acre farms, coastal waters to upland dales — one that allows Yorkshire’s diverse mosaic of habitats to thrive, and all communities living within them to flourish.

Whether you have a patio, an allotment, a grand estate or oodles of passion, you CAN make a difference. Rewilding works at every scale. The real power lies in joining the dots — connecting the places and people working towards a common goal: a Yorkshire teeming with life at every level.

That’s where the Yorkshire Rewilding Network come in.

They want to bring Rewilding to the forefront in Yorkshire by connecting like-minded people across the region. Whether you’re actively rewilding or learning about it for the first time, their network is a place to share ideas and experiences, find out about projects near you, learn more about ways that you can get involved and be inspired to take action.

“The Yorkshire Rewilding Network is delighted to have been shortlisted. Thank you. A grant from you will make a big difference to our fledgeling charity which so far has been run entirely by a small group of dedicated volunteers.

More than ever before people are waking up to the value of nature, the emerging climate crisis and the devastating loss of biodiversity.

Rewilding is a way of caring for and managing land which puts nature first. A grant from the Matthew Good Foundation will give the Yorkshire Rewilding Network a boost to reach out to more people through workshops, events, social media and story-telling.”


Yorkshire Rewilding Network

Photos are credited to Broughton Hall and Anne Riley

With a keen interest in ecology and horticulture, Debbie and her husband decided to create the Yorkshire Rewilding Network after becoming interested in rewilding and going on a rewilding course to learn more about it. They realised that lots of people were becoming interested in rewilding but didn’t know how to meet like-minded people, learn about projects and share best practice.

Despite starting the charity during the pandemic, the team of volunteers have made excellent progress in the short time they’ve been active but need funding to help take things to the next level.

For a new venture, Keith has made a big difference already. This funding will provide free sessions to those in the community in most need of support during these challenging times.

Michelle Taft

Executive Director, Matthew Good Foundation

Latest Project Updates

April 2021

Granted £2,000

After becoming one of the top five finalists in the latest Grants for Good Round, £2,000 was granted.