R;pple Suicide Prevention

R;pple Suicide Prevention was founded by Alice Hendy who lost her only sibling, Josh in 2020 to suicide at 21 years old. Josh had been researching techniques to take his own life via harmful internet searches. With a background in cyber technology and security, Alice saw an opportunity to intercept this harmful content.

July 2021

Harry's Hat Logo
When Alice discovered her brother, Josh, had been researching harmful content online before he passed away, she felt compelled to do something to support people who feel like they have no alternative. She created R;pple.
R;pple provides an immediate, vibrant display on a user’s device when they search for online content relating to self-harm or suicide. R;pple consists of a powerful message of hope as well as providing a selection of mental health support resources in a range of different communicative options (call, text, webchat) from one of their charity partners.
Ripple’s purpose is to ensure immediate mental health support is presented to individuals following a harmful online search via innovative technology consisting of a choice of help and resources to prevent self-harm and suicide. Its mission is to intercept harmful content relating to self-harm and/or suicide and redirect users to mental health support if they are struggling to cope or in need immediate help.

R;pple’s vision is to ensure all users searching for harmful content online are presented with an opportunity of hope that things can and will get better. Through R;pple, an individual feeling despair and researching harmful content will be urged to instead seek the mental health support they deserve and need in a way that works best for them.

R;pple is in the very early stages, but Alice has the support of several MPs and has recently been nominated for an Entrepreneur of Excellence Award; she has also been recognised as a Rising Star for 2021.

Find out more at ripplesuicideprevention.com.

This is amazing, thank you so so much! Making the shortlist means everything to me. Since I lost my brother just a few months ago, I have put absolutely everything into this project to ensure no other siblings wake up and feel how I feel when I open my eyes each morning. By being shortlisted to receive funding from the Matthew Good Foundation, I feel like my hard work has been worth it, and I’m so grateful to be considered.
Thank you for believing in me.


R;pple Suicide Prevention

R;pple Suicide Prevention is an incredible charity that has achieved amazing things since setting up in December. They have made huge strides with a team of talented unpaid volunteers, but they need to raise funds to take things to the next level. Launching in the UK initially and with interest from abroad, R;pple has the potential to help so many people when they need it most. R;pple has a heart-breaking yet inspirational story that could make a huge difference to so many people at a time when more people than ever are struggling with their mental health.

Michelle Taft

Executive Director, Matthew Good Foundation

Latest Project Updates

Febuary 2023

R;pple 18 months on

We recently caught up with Alice from R;pple to find out how the charity has been doing since receiving their funding. Here is what she had to say:

We applied for Grants for Good as we officially set up as a charity in September 2021 and needed funding to enable us to develop our tech and get Ripple off the ground.

Because Josh’s death was and still is very raw, as a family we were overwhelmed to find out that we won the grant. It made us feel like people had really bought in to what we were trying to do and gave us the strength to keep going.

The grant has helped us to ensure that Ripple is now available on computers and laptops throughout the UK, and every English speaking country abroad.

Since its launch, Ripple has now been downloaded over 950,000 times, has intercepted over 5,000 legitimate harmful online searches, and has so far saved at least 24 lives that we know of. We have recently rolled out our first batch of 12 translations, which means that Ripple is now available in 35 extra countries. We have appeared on National news, radio and in newspapers, and we have so far won 22 awards for our work in the mental health and suicide prevention field. Without the kindness and generosity shown to us by organisations such as The Matthew Good Foundation, we wouldn’t have been able to achieve everything that we have so far, and be able to continue to grow.

November 2021

Amplfy Charity Film released

In addition to their £3,500 grant to help the charity grow, we funded a film to help them share their story.

July 2021

Granted £3,500

After becoming one of the top five finalists in the latest round of Grants for Good, R;pple came first in the employee vote and was granted £3,500.