Sea Adventure School

Whilst in the UK the Foundation made contact with a couple of Marine Biologists from Bristol but working on marine conservation initiatives in the Philippines, one of the most important areas of biodiversity in the world. JJ and Chloe are highly experienced in the field and helping to launch an initiative called the Sea Adventure School.

The Foundation visited both JJ and Chloe in December 2013 on the Island of Puerto Galera to gain an insight into their plan and with the possible aim of supporting their project in the future.


Coral reefs are home to 25% of all marine life, a variety rivaling that of the tropical forests of the Amazon or New Guinea. This biodiversity translates directly into food security, income, sources of medicinal advances, coastal barriers to storms and a whole host of other benefits to people and ocean health. However, coral reefs are under threat, especially in the Philippines. It is the children of today who have the biggest stake in the future of our oceans, but they find themselves already in a world where environmental damage is a major feature of the global seascape.

It is proposed that the the new initiative, called the Sea Adventure School will educate children of the importance of marine conservation, in the context of a larger environmental awareness and inspire them to help protect it in the years ahead.


Tim Good discussing the project whilst on a traditional Banka boat, similar to that which will be use for the Sea Adventure School


A good photo showing the traditional boats the use and how large outriggers keep them stable. The boat currently being built for the Sea Adventure School would be approximately twice the size as this.


A boy playing on one of the local boats. He would be typical type of child to attend the Sea Adventure School during the school holidays.