In Autumn 2012 Hedon Methodist Youth Club successfully applied for a grant from the Matthew Good Foundation to help support the development of a Music Club. Whilst already in its infancy the club needed some financial assistance to help with equipment and to enable some of the children to attend musical events and concerts.
Between 8 and 10 children come along for an hour before the main youth club to learn a range of songs and also develop skills on the drums, guitar and piano. The grant has helped to purchase a drum kit and improve the sound system they use, and paid 50% of the cost for the group to visit Hull City Hall for the City of Hull Youth Orchestra Christmas concert, join a workshop run by the group ‘Hot Gospel’ and attend the musical ‘Hairspray’ at Hull New Theatre.
Plans for 2013 include running their own concert in the Autumn as well assetting up lighting to add to the atmosphere when using the church premises. The group is supported by the Methodist Church and take part in community praise services, as well as running independently to learn a
full range of music styles and tastes.
Without the support of the Foundation the group would not have been able to flourish, and there is still a lot of opportunity for it to further develop.