Towards the end of 2013 the Foundation supported a project in the Philippines which aimed to raise awareness of the importance of marine life and conservation in the Coral Triangle. This is a huge area around Indonesia that is critical to the stability of the oceans worldwide, fish stocks and the pharmaceutical industry.
The Sea Adventure Schools looks to help youngsters and future leaders appreciate the importance of this area and its protection in the long term. The project is currently in a trial phase to prove it as a concept for expanding across the Philippines and maybe across all of Indonesia down the line.
We’re now happy to announce that the boat has been built and already used in a trial phase with local schools! Here are some photos of the launch and feedback from some of the children!
“I can see fish that I didn’t see in my entire life, not only fish but also other creatures under the sea … it was my first time to snorkel and I found it great.” – Feedback from the children during the trial

The importance of Sea Grass and is habitat!
Full photo albums available to see here: